These are the first few words.
Abortions are very common. In fact, 1 out of 3 women in the U.S. have an abortion by the time they are 45 years old.
I can't be the only one that feels like they are trying to tell you, "Oh, it's normal. There's NOTHING wrong with it! Tons of women have them!" Well, just because other people do it doesn't make it right. They are talking it up. Now, they do say this later:
"Learning the facts about abortion may help you in making your decision. You may also want to learn more about parenting and adoption. " So at least they mention adoption, but it doesn't make them any less sickening to me.
This, also, made me seriously just so mad. Read this:
" You may have a wide range of feelings after your abortion. Most women ultimately feel relief after an abortion. Some women feel anger, regret, guilt, or sadness for a little while." Oh, and yes, this is ALL coming from, so just putting that out there. I'm not making this stuff up, they wrote it. Okay, so. WHY would you feel sadness, regret, guilt or anger if the 'fetus' is NOT a child? Hmmmmm? Because it's NATURAL! Somewhere inside of you you REALIZE that that fetus is a CHILD.
They say that abortion is mostly safe. So, why do things like this happen?
Houston, TX, October 3, 2012 ( - In a recording of a 911 call placed by a Planned Parenthood mega-abortion center in Houston, Texas that was released today, a nurse is heard calling for an emergency transport of a woman suffering hemorrhaging after an abortion. The call was placed on August 23, 2012.
During the 911 recording, the caller identified herself as a nurse who was not in the procedure room and could answer no questions about the client’s condition beyond the assumption that she “may be hemorrhaging.”
“But we are, uh, we have a crash cart on site,” she offered. Crash carts are used in the event of life-threatening medical emergencies where the patient’s heart and respiration stop.
Okay, pause. If abortion is safe, why do they have a crash cart on site? It shouldn't be needed if abortion is truly safe! And, back to the article.
Sidewalk counselors at the scene photographed the ambulance outside Planned Parenthood. Paramedics were inside the abortion clinic for about 20 minutes before wheeling the client on a gurney to the awaiting ambulance. The injured woman was receiving oxygen and some kind of IV solution.
Susan Miral of the Houston Coalition for Life reports that this is the seventh medical emergency requiring ambulance transport since the 78,000 sq. ft. abortion facility opened in May, 2010. Planned Parenthood’s web site indicates that it supplies abortions up to 20 weeks gestation.
Another pause. I looked around on PlannedParenthood's website and it did seem like they were hinting around that they do offer it later in a pregnancy. At 20 weeks the baby would look like this:
Annnnd back to the article. (P.S, I got the writing in the black from this website)
“This is another in a list of nearly a dozen botched abortions that we have documented at Planned Parenthood abortion clinics nationwide in the past 20 months – and these are just the ones we know about,” said Troy Newman, President of Operation Rescue and Pro-Life Nation. “We are sure these are just the tip of the iceberg since abortion clinics make great efforts to conceal the true number of medical emergencies.”
So wait a minute, this has happened before?
“It is unconscionable that our tax dollars are going to Planned Parenthood, especially with their increasingly high rate of life-threatening abortion emergencies. President Obama’s support for Planned Parenthood in the face of these abortion injuries – including at least one abortion death – is a national disgrace.”
I agree, Mr. Guy who wrote this. We are being forced to pay for abortions. So, we're supposed to stay out of the Pro-Choicer's business yet PAY for their business? NO WAY!
I got this from a video I will be posting at the end of this post. This is the same PP location that the article in black writing spoke of.
"Sidewalk counselors that since this Planned Parenthood opened in May, 2010, they have documented SEVEN ambulances transporting women to the hospital from this location." I wonder how many they've had to transport since then?