Some people have asked me questions about my being Pro-Life, and just in case you guys were also wondering, I decided to post the most popular questions and my answers.
1. When did you first decide you were Pro-Life? I was raised Pro-Life, so I guess I automatically called myself Pro-Life, but a couple years ago I started studying on abortion and things and I really became Pro-Life. It wasn't just because my family is Pro-Life, but because I just feel like abortion is wrong.
2. How can you take a woman's right to choose and feel good about it? Well, what about the baby? There's a big chance it will be a woman, so how could you take away HER right to live?
3. Are they any exceptions you make when it comes to abortion? Let's say the woman has other children and a husband who needs her, and she knows she AND the baby will die if she doesn't have an abortion. I honestly can't say I wouldn't make an exception. I've never been in that place, but as for just having an abortion because you don't want the responsibility, there should be no exceptions.
4. Have you always been vocal about it? Yes. I've never wanted to hide it.
5. Why are you Pro-Life? Because, abortion is murder. That "fetus" living inside you is ALIVE. And also, my own story. My mother was very sick when she was pregnant with me, I mean deathly sick, and she was urged to have an abortion several times, but she fought with it. Fought for me! Now, I am one of her healthiest kids, and I've living a full life. She can't take pain meds anymore, or any oral medicine. No Tylenol, Ibuprofen or whatever for her. Knowing she could have KILLED me, but she chose not to, means the world to me.
6. Are all of your friends and family Pro-life? No. Well, all of my friends are, but there are some family members that are not Pro-Life. They strongly disagree with me, but hey, can't pick your family. Haha!
7. Have you ever been "beat up" so to speak because of your beliefs? Hasn't everyone? I think that if you have not been "beat up" for your beliefs, you are probably being too quiet. The Lord was crucified, and we will be, too. The Bible says so. I'm not gonna back down because of a few harsh words.
And here's one I've gotten several times: If you are so into adoption, how many children are you gonna adopt? Yes. This question is normally asked very sarcastically and rudely, and I'm pleased to say this: I am currently a big "Sissy" to a little boy who we are currently trying to adopt. We are a foster family and as long as we can, we will continue our foster care journey and help as many kids as we possibly can. Every child we have had in our home we have enjoyed taking to church so they can learn about the Lord they may never hear about for the rest of her or his life. We try to make a lasting impression on them. A good impression. We would love to adopt several children, but sadly our house is tiny, so we can't be adopting several at the moment. We've even looked into moving so we can continue! We are still thinking about it, to be honest.
9. How can you be Pro-Life and be Pro-War and Pro-Death penalty? Alright. Just to settle this, yes, I am Pro-Life (Obviously, haha!) and I am not Pro-War unless some country is trying to KILL my own country, then, we should fight back. I do NOT support my country (America) going into random countries and starting war for no reason. Am I Pro-Death penalty? To be honest, not really. Even with Casey Anthony, I had a hard time knowing that young women could be put to death. Maybe I'm a softie. Of course, I did think she should be put in jail for the rest of her life. So, I really don't think I am Pro-Death penalty. More like pro-stay-in-jail-for-the-rest-of-your-life.
10. At what point do you think life begins? At conception!
11. Are your parents pro-life? Yes. My mom, my father, and my step-father are all Pro-Life.
12. Do you think a woman should be able to have an abortion because the child will have a mental disorder? NO! It's still a human. That's like me walking up to some alive and well person with Down Syndrome and shooting him, then saying, "Well, he had a mental disorder." It's still cruel, it's still wrong. They are still people and they should have RIGHTS.
13. How do you see it as the woman's responsibility to be an incubator for the fetus? Well, if she was immature enough to get pregnant (Of course, if she was raped it isn't the same thing, I'll talk about that in a sec) then yes, she should deal with it. If she doesn't want the baby, find a case worker that is interested in helping the baby and the mother. If the woman was raped, I still think she should have the baby, but I've never been in that position, so I'm not going to do much judging on that. I still think adoption is the best answer.
14. What is your Pro-Life goal? I'd probably have to say for Abortion to be illegal. Once again, if the woman and child will both die, maybe something safer should be there, but I'm still not sure what my views are on that subject.
Last one! 15. If you can't trust a woman with a choice, how can you trust her with a child? ADOPTION!