Tuesday, September 18, 2012

No, I am not dead.

Alright. You guys were probably thinking, "Well, she died or dropped off the face of the Earth." considering I haven't posted in way too long. Life's been busy! I just got a horse (TONS of work) stuff relating to the little boy we're trying to adopt has been going on (Nothing bad, everything still looks good) and I've been sick like three times in the past month. :/ But here I am, alive and well (Other than I have a small cold) and I am bringing you a new post! (Please ignore any spelling errors, I'm watching my baby brother and it's hard to proof read and chase a toddler.)

I've been looking at some pictures and things from "Abolish Human Abortion" on Pinterest and Facebook and I wanted to post a couple of their images on here for you guys to share or just look at, whatever you wanna do with them, lol! Also, if you want to check out my Pinterest boards (I have a few pro-life boards) then go right ahead. Here is my profile: http://pinterest.com/adelekaja/ 

Tons of people (Non Pro-Lifers) have asked us (or at least me) to just shut up and give up, well, let me just let you guys know, that ain't gonna happen. There is a time that is coming soon that we will realize we're gonna have to stand up and be loud and be heard, or none of our attempts are going to work. We won't be heard if they see us as shy people who won't do anything. No, I'm not saying we should bomb abortion clinics because I do NOT think that is the way to go, especially when you are killing other people in there that are working, getting an abortion, or whatever. But I am saying we need to take a stand and stay put! We can't keep backing away when people start to argue, but we need to stand just as firm as ever! 

Pro-Life Day of Silent Solidarity logo
(Taken from the Pro-Life Day of Silent Solidarity)
On October 16th, a lot of Pro-Lifer's might be seen with red duct tape with the word "LIFE" written on it. Stuck to their shirts, stuck to their pants, and even on their face. It is the day of silence for the lives lost. Those hundreds of lives lost each day.  

A lot of people also wear red bracelets, pro-life shirts and etc, and just red. I'll probably get the tape and get a red shirt, and wear my Christian bracelets. I really need to buy a Pro-Life shirt, but it's hard to find one, and when I do, they are so expensive! Maybe I'll make one. 

The thing is to be quiet. All day, but of course, as it was stated on the website, it's probably impossible for most people to be quiet all day, so, while you are quiet, spend that time in prayer. Pray for the women who have had or are thinking of having an abortion. Pray for those babies that may be, in the future aborted, pray that they will not be in so much pain. Even pray for those doctors at the clinics and the other workers. Pray for your fellow Pro-Lifers. Take this day to learn more, and if you can, get out! Show off your red. Show that you ARE Pro-life and you AREN'T afraid to make a stand!

People will probably ask you what the red duct tape is for, or why you are wearing tons of red, and you may want to make sure you have an answer. You could say, "It's Pro-Lifer day" or, more dramatically, "I'm taking a stand for those lives lost in all of those abortion clinics." Either way, make sure people know what you stand for.
 Maybe you can get some of friends involved, maybe you can talk about it to some members of your church, maybe even your Youth Group. There is power in numbers.

So, will you take a stand with me, on Tuesday, October 16th, 2012?